
198 West 21th Street,
Suite 721 New York,
NY 10010

Phone: +95 (0) 123 456 789
Cell: +95 (0) 123 456 789


動画を送って『Ms. Downer』MVに参加しよう!/ Send us your『Ms. Downer』video and join our music video!


自宅のリビングや寝室、などなどお好きな場所でBRATSの『Ms. Downer』を

送って頂いたもの中から面白かったものをピックアップし『Ms. DownerMVに使用させて頂きます!

From your living room or bedroom, pick anyplace you want and play our song “Ms. Downer”! Shoot a video of you guys enjoying it.

And please send us the video and join in our music video!

We want you to join from all over the world.

We would like to select cool and interesting videos from you guys, and we would like to use them in our music video and post it to YouTube! 


[撮影条件 / Condition]

▶︎Ms. Downer』を流しながらの音入りの動画で、1動画につき1分以内


Video with sound while playing “Ms. Downer” (1 minute or less).

You can also post multiple video files, such as shooting in different situations and movements.

We would love to see as many videos as you can make!

▶︎ 撮影場所は問わず、自宅、その他屋内、現在の状況も踏まえた法定範囲内の場所と環境であればどこでもOK

Regardless of the shooting location, at home, other indoors, within the legal range considering the current situation, Any location and environment is OK.

▶︎ ご家族と一緒に、ペットと一緒に、メッセージボード使用、楽器を使用、など、撮影方法は問いません。

With your family, with pets, using message boards, using musical instruments, etc.,The shooting method does not matter.
Feel free to send us fun videos!
Get crazy and have fun!

▶︎ 自撮り、他撮り、どちらもOK

Selfies or any other shooting is fine!



BRATS members and staff will check the videos from everyone and choose their favorites!


[動画受付期間 / Reception period]

アップロード受付期間:202051 2:00PM202061 11:59PM

Reception period will be: May 1, 2020 2:00 PM-June 1, 2020 11:59 PM

Ms. Downer Official Audioはこちらで再生できます。

  You can play “Ms. Downer” Official Audio here.

 >> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G8nXKECfP5E


[動画送信方法 / How to send]

Please follow the steps at the bottom of this page.

(Available from your smart phone and also your computer)


Step1:Select the video file you want to send.


Step2:Fill in your email address and message to BRATS members.

手順3:「入力内容確認」を クリック もしくはタップ

Step3:Click or Tap  “Confirm”



※Depending on your connection it may take some time to complete the transmission.
※Depending on the time of day, it may take some time for the transmission to be completed due to high traffic. In that case, please try again later.




Please send an explanation or message about your video to BRATS members.

We are very excited to check out your videos!


[注意事項 / Notes]


全ての動画寄稿者は、この寄稿する動画コンテンツが利用されて動画作品が制作され、公開された場合その寄稿する動画コンテンツに対して、全ての特許権、商標権、著作権またはその他の財産権を有することに責任を持ち、それらを「BRATS Official」に使用許諾し権利を付与するものとします。

If you post videos and participate in this project, please note the following:

All video contributors agree to grant all patent rights, trademark rights, copyrights or other property rights of the video content to be contributed when a video work is produced.  The uploader agrees that he/she is the owner of the content and has the sole right to license it to “BRATS Official”.


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